Why Malta? Few of the reasons as to why producers would film on the Maltese Islands are the mild climate on the rock which allows around 10/12 hours of shooting every day, the short distance between the location and the authentic old locations that date back to around 6000 years.
In the last 50 years, Malta has become one of the most common Mediterranean filming location due to the water tanks that were built at the Rinella. These water tanks blend with the sea horizon around it and it gives the illusion of being in the middle of the sea without the need of special effects. These tanks were firstly used in 1964 when the naval drama The Bedford Incident was being filmed.
Although the first and only reason for filming on the Rock was due to the water tanks and the Mediterranean sea, the reason has soon changed once the producers gradually discovered the Island and everything that it has to offer.
Seeing a niche in the filming industry, the Maltese Authority took advantage of this and established the Malta Film Commission in 1999. The MFC offers assistance with logistics as well as financial rebates to encourage a growth in the film industry on the Rock. In addition, the Malta Tourism Authority also assists financially and logistically but only to producers who chose to depict Malta as Malta in the Movies!
Malta has seen a massive increase of movies and TV series being filmed on the Island recently and the London Times dubbed Malta as “The Mediterranean’s mini-Hollywood"

Malta’s most famous filming Locations
The Azure Window in Dwejra, was not only a tourist attraction but it was also an iconic landmark where movies and TV series were filmed. Some parts of the Count of Monte Cristo and Game of Thrones were filmed there. (Both filming productions used Mdina also). One of the Hugo Boss adverts (where the man is jumping off a cliff) was filmed on the Window itself!
Fort Ricasoli is a bationed fort in Kalkara which was built by the Knights of St John and was used as a military based hospital in the 19th Century. Filmmakers for Troy, Gladiator and Pinocchio all shot scenes in this location.
The British soap opera Coronation Street loves filming on the Island, particularly at Popeye Village. This is situated in Anchor Bay, the northern side of the Rock and it is not only a filming location, it is also a family themed park full of cartoon buildings.
I clearly remember that on a few school outings, I saw a few movies being played. We were in Mdina when the Count of Monte Cristo was being filmed and it was really fun. We were told when to be quiet due to the filming cuts and when can we make noise again. I also remember vividly when we were on a Captain Morgan Day Harbour Cruise and the Troy Ship passed by during filming, I am pretty sure Brad Pitt was on it!!
A few movie stars have seen around the Maltese Islands such as Roger Moore, Paul Newman, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Russell Crowe, Sharon Stone and Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex!