Being such a Christian Island, Christmas (Jesus' Birth) and Easter (Jesus' Resurrection) are the most important events in Malta. Just like a lot of religious activities happen during Christmas, they also happen during Easter. In Malta, just like in so many other Christian Countries, there is a preparation process ahead of Jesus' Resurrection.
Easter Preparations
During the 40 Days of Lent, many pageants and processions are organised in the Island, The Holy Week (From Palm City to Easter Sunday) is the most important week. One can easily see
why the Holy Week is so captivating both for the Locals and Tourists.
Our Lady of Sorrows
This Feast is known as Id-Duluri and it recognizes the Holy Mary's agony of seeing her son dying. Our Lady of Sorrows fall the Friday before Good Friday. This Day is very popular for processions on all the Maltese Town. The faithful will be walking, singing and praying behind the "Our Lady if Sorrow" Statue. Many dedicated locals will be walking barefoot and with chains around their ankle to praise thanks

Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday, known as Il-Hadd il -Palm, is the Sunday before Easter Sunday. This is when officially the Holy Week starts, Palm Sunday recognizes Jesus entry to Jerusalem as per the Bible. Plenty of Palm trees branches are brought in Church to be blessed with Holy Water. These bless Palm branches are then used during the procession on Sunday Evening.
Maundy Thursday: Maundy Thursday commemorates the Washing of Feet and the Last Supper with the Apostles. Maundy Thursday is the eve of Good Friday and is also known as the “Seven Visits”. Locals go around 7 different Churches to pray. A very famous location for the Maundy Thursday is Rabat due to the close location between Churches.
Good Friday: Good Friday is the main procession day. It is also a Public Holiday on the Rock. Many Businesses and streets are closed because of these processions. On the Island, these processions are of a significant larger scale than the others. Good Friday commemorates the death of Jesus before his resurrection two days later. During the processions, chains and crosses are carried around by the Religious locals as a show of penitence.
Easter Sunday: As we have mentioned previously, Easter Sunday is a main event on the Rock. Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ after 3 days dead. A very Festive Mass takes place in the main Parish Churches. Traditionally, the locals go to the Mass and then proceed to have lunch with the whole family. All of the kids eagerly wait for Easter Sunday so they can eat the famous Figolla.
If you are interested in any of traditions, reach out and we can help you. Contact us.